I want to start my own business, I don't know how to...
I want to create my own business, I don't know how...
At some point in our lives, we would like to create our own business, but sometimes, thinking about what business I want to create, is an obstacle that makes us take a step back.
When someone comes to Little Connexions and asks us how they can start their own business, we ask them the following questions:
What do you like?
What would you enjoy doing without payment?
What areas do you connect with?
What subjects are you most inclined to do?
If you are not very clear about these questions we suggest the following question:
What do your closest circles say about your skills, this can be a good start, you could ask some questions to your work colleagues, friends or family, sometimes many agree on one point and it is a good start.
It is not advisable to create a business based on the fact that someone else did well. ....
Because it may be that the person who is successful in a certain business is identified and likes to do what he/she is doing, on the contrary if you invest in that same business and you do not have much affinity you can take a step back with the first obstacle.
We always say when you want to start a business, it is not impossible but it is not easy, the important thing is to move forward and learn along the way if the business you are starting is what you like, if it is what you are passionate about, you will always find the solution because you put your heart and all your effort to come out afloat.
As you move forward and your business grows, you learn lessons that make you happy in what you do.
And I end with this phrase that is mentioned in the movie Pacific Warrior
The journey brings happiness...not the destination.