Have you invested in print advertising to publicize your business and only got one customer? You're not the only one !!!!
My name is Jhamile Abuabara, creator of the Little Connexions platform.
Like all of you I started my business venture more than 9 years ago, I started with textile products like turtlenecks and rain capes, they still exist (Pipocas kids and Mirava Vasale).
When I started there were no Facebook groups as they are known now where you can expose your products and services, I only sold my products in my circle.
Like any business at the beginning the advertising budget is low, the first thing that came to my mind was to design and print advertising material to distribute it in different areas of Bogota with the illusion that they were going to call me and buy my products, but in reality it was not so, of 1000 brochures that I distributed only reached a customer that did not cover the investment I made by making print advertising.
I felt frustrated for not having met my goals, I evaluated several options and one of them was to create a website and fan page, my next goal was how to bring traffic to my website, I decided at that time to pay Ads on Facebook, so I started to have followers who could know my products, buy them and bring traffic to my website. I got positive results through this channel and little by little I was known.
Seeing results when applying digital marketing, I studied new strategies and they were giving results, during this time I found several businesses that had the same problem, with my experience I had the opportunity to help them and accompany them in the application of digital marketing tools.
One of the obstacles that businesses face is visibility, but for lack of budget or advice, many of the businesses abandon the dream of having their own company.
I invite you to be part of the community and give me the opportunity to help you grow.