In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, entrepreneurship has emerged as a driving force behind societal progress and economic growth. As individuals seek to turn their innovative...
In a constantly changing world, consultants must constantly be innovating and adapting to new trends in order to stay ahead of the curve. This is essential for remaining relevant and...
Imagine gliding through the vibrant streets of Lisbon, past historical landmarks and along the picturesque Tagus River, all while pitching your innovative startup idea. This isn’t...
In today’s corporate landscape, fostering a positive and innovative work culture is crucial for any company aspiring to achieve success and sustainability. An organization’s...
In the current world, daily routines and work demands can drain our creativity. It’s important to find ways to nurture our creative mind, and an excellent way to achieve this...
In a constantly evolving world, companies face unprecedented challenges that require a strategic response adapted to changing circumstances. The ability to rethink and redesign business...
In today’s rapidly evolving world, digital marketing and entrepreneurship have become intertwined with the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). As technology continues...
“If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business” Simon Sinek.Let me make a confession first. As an introvert, leading up to the Websummit...
Last year, talking to a businesswoman at an event, in Lisbon, she told me the following:“Some clients don’t understand my work. They come up with strange objections. They...