In a constantly evolving world, companies face unprecedented challenges that require a strategic response adapted to changing circumstances. The ability to rethink and redesign business...
“If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business” Simon Sinek.Let me make a confession first. As an introvert, leading up to the Websummit...
Last year, talking to a businesswoman at an event, in Lisbon, she told me the following:“Some clients don’t understand my work. They come up with strange objections. They...
Inbound marketing is a marketing approach that focuses on creating valuable content and experiences that attract potential customers to your brand, rather than interrupting them with...
Last week, we published an article about creating your own business, which must be related to what you are passionate about.Every business has a story, they are stories that can change...
In a constantly evolving digital world, digital marketing is a discipline that requires continuous updating of knowledge and skills. in this context, DMK Tribe emerges as a community...